Messing up the reference points in Life and questioning Happiness
In a game, the top three players are given Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Among these three players, how would you rate the happiness level and satisfaction of these players. Who would be the most happy and who the least one? Of course, the normal observation would be the first, Gold Medal winner would be most happy followed by the Silver and Bronze medal winner. That's perfectly relevant with what our intuition says. But that's not what the research signifies. Many research suggests that the most unhappy face in those three is the middle one, the silver medal winner. And that is something counter intuitive and interesting phenomenon observed in human behavioral domain. The misery and unhappiness inflicted in the Silver medal winner is due to the setting of alternative reality that he has set out in his mind, that hurts him the most than the two others. The Gold medal winner is happy, of course, he has every possible reason to be happy. But of silver and bronze medal, the Bro...