
Showing posts from April, 2020

How I fell in love with Novels

                                                              Novels were the obscure part of my life until I was in my eleventh grade. Before that, all space of my thought revolved around the books prescribed to complete my study. There was only a tiny element of literature I was growing up with and that was through the English books. That tiny element of literature in no particular way, at those times fascinated me. I just read it without a fair imagination it should have (as I read through those old texts of literature today, they still present me a wonderful beauty of words) in those days. I, like any common folks, did the so called "right thing" in those days, we just needed to pass the exams and we did it fairly without comprehending the richness of words portrayed in those tiny sheets of paper. Our English teacher, to my p...

The beginning

Learning has always been an incessant and integral  part of my life. I starting to take interest in podcasts when one of my cousin brothers shared that he listens to it everyday while cooking. This was a nice way of making a quotidian work interesting. I started listening to it before going to sleep and it acted as a soporific agent and I was learning something new everyday. Some of the podcasts I used to listen in my early days were Freakonomics radio, Hidden brains, Ted radio hour, invisbilia. Listening to this I always had a thought at the back of my head, can I make a podcast.  I was in search of doing something creative at that time. I used to record myself talking in English in my phone just to see how my accent, voice was like. I was also thinking about starting a youtube channel, maybe about photography, or some educational videos. So at this time I was juggling with different ideas but none quite took shape. Once I had pitched this idea of podcast to my then girl...